Government of Nepal
Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development
Department of Agriculture

Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Project

Agriculture Component Implementation Unit

Flag of Nepal
Agricultural Component Implementation Unit(ACIU)

Agricultural Component Implementation Unit(ACIU)

Agricultural activities will be implemented through the Agriculture Component Implementation Unit (ACIU) at Tikapur, headed by a Class II level Agriculture Component Coordinator, who will have Financial Management authority and operate the project account.

1.1 Functions of the ACIU

  • Timely preparation of annual work plan and budget. The process adopted would be participatory and consultative to include the WUAs, local government and relevant local institutions.
  • Ensure that planned activities are implemented on timely manner and safeguard measures are strictly adhered to.
  • Prepare the terms of references for project employed experts and ensure that the required staff are hired on time, based on agreed selection criteria and a fair selection process and monitor their performance and outputs.
  • Oversee, support and supervise extension activities such as the mobilization of farmer groups and cooperatives, agriculture trainings, setting up demonstrations, establishment and running FFS, cross-learning exposure visits and so on.
  • Support in identifying appropriate sites for the establishment of collection centers, seed storage and cold storages in consultation with respective municipalities, WUAs, and the PIO to ensure that the sites selected are appropriate and there are no conflicts.
  • Ensure that beneficiary selection for FFS, demonstrations, block production, training and visits are carried out through a fair and transparent process.
  • Ensure that procurement of goods, services, and trainings are consistent with the World Bank policy and procedures.
  • Prepare and submit timely trimester, semiannual and annual progress reports to the PIO, DOA, and Ministry of Agricultural, Land Management and cooperatives (MoALMC).
  • Manage day-to-day project activities for smooth functioning of project activities.
  • Take part and organize six-monthly implementation support reviews.
  • Support the strengthening of community agriculture service centers of the three municipalities in the RJK command area.
  • Work closely with the PIO and other concerned government agencies, NGOs/INGOs and private organizations, including the Water User Groups engaged in agriculture development in the project area.

1.2 Implementation Approach

Agriculture sub-component will adopt the following approaches while implementing approved programs and activities:

1.2.1 Participatory Extension Approach

Focus will be given to ensure active participation of beneficiary farmers in the planning, implementing and monitoring of project activities. Executive members of Water Users’ Associations (WUAs), leaders of cooperatives and farmer groups will be involved actively while implementing planned activities. Joint monitoring of the field activities will also be organized at least twice a year. Such provisions are expected to develop strong ownership feeling among the WUAs and beneficiary farmers.

1.2.2 Collective Learning Platform

Collective learning platform will be made available to the farmers to establish better learning environment and adoption of acquired skills and practices. FFS and field based training learning cum demonstrations will serve as a collective learning platform, where farmers will have the opportunity to learn/discuss new practices, knowledge and skills related to topics of their interest and concern. The collective learning platforms will not only promote in adopting the new practices but also promote farmer-to-farmer learning and dissemination of new ideas and skills.

1.2.3 Climate Smart Agriculture

The project will borrow best practices in climate-smart agriculture and test/promote them in the project command area. The main purpose of CSA is to help farmers to tackle three main challenges: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, adapting and building resilience to climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Emphasis will be given to design and implement a program that minimizes the effects of climate change in food production system. The project will benefit from the Nepal Agriculture Research Council to secure and test drought and disease resistance cultivars and agronomic practices. In this context, the project will make use of recommendations made in the climate smart agriculture profile launched in 20172. To identify best CSA practices, the project will support applied research and development activities through the provision of Competitive Research Grant (see Section B4 for details).

1.2.4 Value Chain Approach

Value chain approach will be adopted to develop and foster vibrant linkages between the key value chain actors. The project will help farmers to ensure that they have access to financial services; input suppliers, technology, market and information services. Where possible, the project will assist the farmers to benefit from value addition opportunities through the establishment of processing and grading facilities, storage facilities so that farmers can add value on their products and secure premium price and store and sell their produce when the price is favorable. Project can provide machinery support for the production of banana chips, tomato ketch up, cucumber pickles etc. These processing units could either lead by groups/cooperatives or by private agri-firms.

1.3 Key Activities and Implemantation Process

S.No.Activities/programObjectivesProcess of implementationEligible clients
ACapacity Development Program
A1IPM-FFS programTo minimize unwise use of chemical pesticides
and to promote best crop
Demand collection from farmer groupsField verificationConducting IPM-FFS in the fieldFarmer groups,CooperativesWUAs
BExtension and
outreach support
B1Block Demonstration programTo promote commercial cultivation of
cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish and mushroom
Notice for applicationEvaluation of application and field verificationAgreement for specific commodityMonitoring field activitiesProvide support based on progress madeIndividual farmers,
Farmer groups,
Private agri-firms, WUAs
B2Seed Production
To improve availability of improved
seed and increase productivity
of the crops
Demand collection from the coopertivesRequest for the annual seed production action planAgreementMonitoring field activitiesProvide support based on progress of seed productionGroups and cooperatives
involved in seed production
B3Marginalized, poor and landless specific
support program
To improve income and
livelihood of poor and marginal farmers
Notice for simple applicationField verificationAgreementProvide supportPoor, marginal and landless
farmers and their groups
and cooperatives
B4Competitive research and
grant support
To test, verify and
introduce improve technologies
Ask for proposals and action plansNegotiation for conducting technology based activitiesFinally reach an agreementSupport on installment basisResearch based organization as
NARC, IRRI, Agriculture Universities
and college etc
CTechnology adoption Support
C1Support on construction of poly houses,
agr-net house and green house
To promote offseason commercial
cultivation of vegetables and flowers
Publish notice for applicationField verificationAgreementPayment in accordance with progress in the fieldFarmers and agri-firms
DSoil Management and
plant protection support
To improve soil fertility and
manage the disease and insect pests
Request/demand of farmers collectedDayes and sites for the soil testing campaign and plant clinic fixedSoil testing and plant clinic campaigns conducted for freeAll intrested farmers of
project command area
EAgricultural mechanizationTo minimize the cost of production
and reduce drudgery of farmers
Publish notice for applicationAssess land under commercial cultivation/plan
for commercial cultivationVerify organizational strength and
capacity and possible use of machinesAgreementPayment after purchasing of machines
Farmer groups, Agriculture
cooperatives, WUAs, Agri-Firms
FPost-harvest and
marketing support
To store, improve quality and
price of vegetables and fruits
Publish notice for proposal/applicationEvaluation of proposal and action planVerifying proposed sites
and expected outputAgreementPayment made on output/progress bar
Farmer groups, Agriculture cooperatives
GLivestock production supportTo promote Commercial production
of livestock commodities
Request for applicationField verificationAgreementPayment on the basis of progressIndividual farmers, Agri-firms
HHiring consultantApproval of TOR and selection process from world bank and DOARequest for apllicationEvaluation of Cvs and work experiencesApproval form bank and DOAAgreementIndividual experts with required qualification and work experience

1.4 Safeguard Management Plan and Framework

  • Environment Management Plan
  • Biodiversity Management plan
  • Social Management Framework

1.5 Monitoring and Evaluation And Reporting Mechanism

1.6 Grievances Redress Committee (GRC)

1.6.1 Rani Kulo Irrigation System Badghar Level ( First tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Dambar GhartiChairperson9804622708
2Binaya ChaudhariMember Secretary9824668656
3Bahadur LoharMember9812626415
4Krishna Prasad ChaudhariMember9849467794
5Chhote Lal ChaudhariMember9800683832 Rani Kulo Branch Committee Level ( Second tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Som Bahadur ShahiChairperson9804622708
2Som Prasad ChaudhariMember Secretary9815625329
3Bharat Bahadur SaudMember9848433429
4Parbati ChaudhariMember9868799806
5Dambar GhartiMemberRep. from Badghar Municipality ( Tikapur) Level ( Third tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Keshari Rawal BistaChairperson9858490016 ( V.Chair- TM)
2Kumar Raj ShahiMember9851058627 ( Chair- RJKIS)
3Lal Bir ChaudhariMember9848613229 ( Chair-Jamara)
4Shri Pal ChaudhariMember9848453714 ( Chair-Rani kulo)
5Sushila SahMemberRep. from main Canal
6Bimal Ram DhewajuMemberRJKIP
7Jhapi Raj OjhaMember SecretaryRep. from Tikapur Mun.

1.6.2 Jamara Kulo Irrigation System Badghar Level ( First tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Bir Bahadur ChaudhariChairperson9848402215
2Prem Bahadur ChaudhariMember Secretary9868770687
3Chhedu Lal ChaudhariMember9848520537
4Dashrath ChaudhariMember
5Patiram ChaudhariMember9800601353 Jamara Kulo Branch Committee Level ( Second tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Lal bir ChaudhariChairperson9848613229
2Man Bahadur ChaudhariMember Secretary9848562524
3Bir Bahadur ChaudhariMember9848402215
4Sita ChaudhariMember9814642528
5Bharat Bdr ShahMemberOffice Secretary (Jamara)
6Senior Sociologist (RJKIP)Member Rural Municipality ( Janaki) Level ( Third tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Uma MahatoChairperson9858421120 ( V. Chair of JRM)
2Ganga Ram ChaudhariMember SecretaryJanaki Rural Municipality (JRM)
3Rabi Lal ChaudhariMemberRep. form Kulariya BC
4Bhakta Bahadur BKMemberRep. form Main Committee
5Sita Devi BadayaMemberRep. form Main Committee
6Somati ChaudhariMemberRep. From Kulariya
7senior Sociologist (RJKIP)Member

1.6.3 Kulariya Kulo Irrigation System Jamara Kulo Branch Committee Level ( Second tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Rang Prasad ChaudhariChairperson9868168623
2Mohan ChaudhariMember Secretary9863941970
3Hari Prashad ChaudhariMember9815693945
4Ram Bahadur ChaudhariMember9812626639
5Sukh Lal ChaudhariMember9815639224 Kulariya Kulo Branch Committee Level ( Second tier)

S.No.NamePositionContact number
1Rabi Lal ChaudhariChairperson9865615350
2Sohan Lal KathriyaMember Secretary9848433128
3Netra Prasad JaisiMember9858426636
4laxmi Kumari ChaudhariMember9865798460
5Rang Prasad UpadhayaMemberRep. form Badghar

1.7 Governance and Accountability Action Plan (GAAP)